AutonomouStuff and Quantum to host hands-on workshop

07 July 2017

AutonomouStuff and Quantum are proud to announce a hands-on workshop to provide information and training on automated vehicle data storage solutions available for automated driving.

AutonomouStuff, the leader in enabling the future of transportation, announced autonomous vehicle data storage kits in response to the explosion of data collected in autonomous driving research in April. The workshop — August 1 at Automation Alley in Troy, Mich. — will delve into these kits, providing further insight into the industry’s growing data storage needs and Quantum’s revolutionary, cost saving hardware and software solutions.

“We’re proud to have teamed up with Quantum to create kits that address the major problems that occur when trying to pull together massive amounts of important data for automated vehicles,” said AutonomouStuff CEO Bobby Hambrick. “Now, we’re lucky to have the chance to offer our colleagues, customers and friends this unique opportunity to learn more about these data storage solutions from the experts themselves.”

Quantum’s intelligent data management solutions are built on StorNext®, the industry’s fastest streaming file system. StorNext allows developers to work with many large files; to collaborate, share and work on the same files simultaneously; and offers a tiered approach with a tape archive to allow massive storage capabilities with automated protection. The data storage kits provide a scalable storage solution, are designed to grow as your needs grow and are available at a much lower cost than traditional methods. They can even be customized to leverage existing data storage environments.

“Quantum makes it economically feasible to maintain and have access to massive amounts of data for a dramatically lower cost per TB vs. traditional IT storage strategies,” said Andrew Mortemore, Quantum’s ADAS/Autonomous Vehicle & Automotive Storage Manager. “We also leverage existing IT environments and reduce their overall average cost per TB. The strategy is to deploy an automated, tiered environment so these organizations get static data off their expensive storage and bring it back only when they need to access that data. With this tiered strategy, organizations are not constantly increasing their budgets to scale expensive first tier storage for data that is static most of the time.”

About Quantum

Quantum is a leading expert in scale-out storage, archive and data protection, providing solutions for capturing, sharing and preserving digital assets over the entire data lifecycle. From small businesses to major enterprises, more than 100,000 customers have trusted Quantum to address their most demanding data workflow challenges. Quantum’s end-to-end, tiered storage foundation enables customers to maximize the value of their data by making it accessible whenever and wherever needed, retaining it indefinitely and reducing total cost and complexity. See how at

About AutonomouStuff

AutonomouStuff is proud to provide the industry’s most advanced organizations with the best products, software and engineering services to enable robotics and autonomy. The top priority for the team at AutonomouStuff is customer success. Customers value the convenience of finding the most cutting-edge modular-based automation software solutions, engineering services, perception, computing, GPS and interface components in one location. For more information, visit